Jardin Flamingo Sugar Scrubs are mild and help remove dead skin. It also helps to rejuvenate the skin by cleaning all the dirt from the pores of the skin. With all the dead skin and soil removed, new skin is brighter and you have a healthier glow. Flamingo Sugar Scrub has a natural anti-aging effect on the skin.
2-Body lotion.
Jardin Flamingo Body Lotion helps the body replenish moisture levels so skin stays soft and balanced.
3-Face Mask.
Jarden Flamingo Face Mask helps moisturize and dry the skin, as well as exfoliate it. The mask penetrates better into your skin in a short period of time.
4-Face & body scrub.
Jarden Flamingo face and body scrubs remove dead skin and allow your skin to absorb the scrub better. For more attractive, smoother, and more even skin.
5-Neela Blue Powder.
Neela Blue powder helps lighten skin and soften rough areas (knees, elbows, and feet). A moisturizer that leaves the skin very soft. Helps reduce dark spots and signs of aging. Anti-wrinkle rejuvenates the skin.
6-Liquid Moroccan Soap.
Moroccan liquid soap is known for removing dead skin, the rough, dry outer surface of your body. This soap profoundly cleanses the skin by removing toxins and dead skin cells, making our skin softer and smoother.
7-Moroccan Soap.
Jardin Flamingo Moroccan Black Soap is excellent for all skin types. Not only does it revitalize and moisturize your skin, but it can also even heal rashes, chronic dryness, and acne.
8-Moroccan Sokla
Jardin Flamingo Sokla Neela Blue It works to whiten the body and lighten its color Removing dead cells and impurities in the body For soft, fresh, and vibrant skin. It helps lighten dark areas of the body such as the neck As well as lightens the color of the knees and elbows in the body Its benefits are great for the body.